Gaylord D Buster Adopted

Gaylord D Buster is currently in a foster home.  Please contact his foster mom at 509-473-9191 if interested in meeting him or you have more questions.


Buster says - Hi Everyone! I’m a neutered male rat terrier, about 6-7 years old and I weigh a healthy 13 lb. After my last checkup the vet said my teeth are in great shape.


I’m looking for a forever home where I will be adored and appreciated! I’ll sit on your lap, snuggle with you, and even take a nap together – I’m a really loving guy!


Walks are one of my favorite things to do, and Foster Mom says I walk well on a leash. Oh, and I’d love to go with you for rides in the car! And when at home I enjoy exploring the yard  - only inside a secure fence, of course.


Foster Mom says I’m a character… sometimes I take one of her shoes to bed with me but I never hurt it one bit! And other times, when I’m excited, I try to nibble her feet – just to get her moving a bit, y’know.


Generally I’m a fairly quiet fellow and I’d do best in a home with mellow folks who have a quiet lifestyle and who will help me feel safe and make me part of the family. Though if really needed, I would be there to help protect you!


 I like well-behaved kids – hey, who doesn’t? And I enjoy dogs my own size – especially girl dogs…


I look forward to meeting you – please call my Foster Mom to make an appointment to meet me! - GDB

 You can contact my foster parents at
Here is a movie of me in action:


My adoption free is 75.00 and a whole lotta love!



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